As you read the descriptions of our Ministries, note that many of them have been formed to meet the needs of both our Anglo and Hispanic Communities.
Altar Servers
A liturgical ministry for boys and girls who have made their First Communion. They assist the priests and deacons at Mass, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. Each altar server must go to a training session once per year.
Sergio Lozano
Phone: 954-397-6111
Box of Joy
This project is run by Cross Catholic Outreach. The purpose of this project is to collect small gifts for poor children around the globe. The boxes are given out at Christmas. Saint Andrew Women’s Council and the Culinary Club are in charge of this project here at Saint Andrew.
Mrs. Maureen Voit
Phone: 954-905-6331
Charismatic Prayer Group
Help Members of the community to be more in tune with the Holy Spirit and develop a life of spontaneous prayer from the heart.
Mrs. Martha Gutierrez
Phone: 954-816-8800
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
What is the Liturgy of the Word with Children? When a parish celebrates the Liturgy of the Word with children, the children are usually dismissed ritually after the Opening Prayer, and they return with the Procession with the Gifts. The Liturgy of the Word with Children includes all of the elements that we normally experience in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. For children ages 7 to 12 years old.
Mrs. Cecilia Sousa
Phone: 954-905-6332
Consolation Ministry
Assists families at the time of death of a loved one with the preparation of the funeral/memorial mass.
Mrs. Marie Campos (English), Mery Queija (Spanish)
Phone: 954-341-5350 Marie; 954-753-1783 (Mery)
Council of Catholic Women
The mission of the St. Andrew Council is to support, educate and empower women in the areas of spirituality, leadership and service.
Ann Herschbein
Phone: 954-330-5674
Cub Scouts
The main focus is to influence the boys and girls character development, spiritual growth and good Sportsmanship. The Scouts of America program offers numerous benefits to your child: values, variety of learning experiences, building friendships and self confidence, learning social skills. The Cub Scout Pack is open to any boy or girl from first to fifth grade. Your son or daughter DOES NOT have to be enrolled at Saint Andrew School to be a part of the pack. Anyone may join. Applications can be obtained at any meeting.
Mrs. Maria Laverde
Phone: 954-451-8111
Detention Ministry
Prepares and assigns parish volunteers for visits to prisons
Mrs. Gail McLellan / Mr. Ralph Hughes
Phone: 954-346-7034 / 954-755-0282
Divine Mercy Ministry
This ministry is to introduce and educate on the Divine Mercy of Christ. Learn about Christ, His unconditional love and how you can apply this to your daily lives. Presently, the ministry prays the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of the Blessed Sacrament before Benediction.
Mrs. Patricia Vidal
Phone: 954-851-3930
Emmaus – Women
To create an environment where all women who attend the retreat will feel unconditionally loved. We have it in English and Spanish
Carolyn Carey
Phone: 954-531-9757
Emmaus – Men
A weekend retreat conducted twice a year, one in English and one in Spanish, during which, one experiences Jesus in a very personal and powerful way.
Michael Torres (English) and Orlando Hurtado (Spanish)
Phone: 954-818-5881, 954-501-7712
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Administer Communion at Mass, to the sick and to the homebound
Mrs. Elizabeth McTighe-Nichols (English) and Mrs. Mery Queija (Spanish)
Phone: 954-344-5892 (Elizabeth), 954-753-1783 (Mery)
Haitian Prayer Group
It is a group of Haitian men and women who believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. They pray the Rosary and give thanks to our Lord.
Mrs. Ruysdael Syriaque
Phone: 954-729-2909
Intergenerational Events
Saint Andrew Parish shares God’s love and mercy across intergenerational and multicultural lines. The intergenerational events nurture community by bringing together people of all ages to celebrate the faith. There are two intergenerational events scheduled per liturgical year, one during Advent and the second in May. Sharing faith stories across generations and fostering creativity are strong ways to create lifelong disciples. This ministry provides prayerful and joyful experiences to which all parishioers are invited.
Dr. Rowena Muzquiz
Knights of Columbus
Fraternal organization dedicated to the promotion and involvement of the family in Catholic faith activities.
Dan Cositore
Phone: 954-914-2190
The call to proclaim the Word of God is an honor. The lector gives public witness to his/her fundamental beliefs. The role of a lector is to proclaim the Word of God by reading selections from the Old and New Testaments. Training is provided.
Frank Kiraly (English) and William and Angela Mendez (Spanish)
Phone: 954-753-8701 (Frank); 954-821-7442 (William / Angela)
Legion de Maria
Organizacion mundial de aquellos que trabajan en cualquier actividad catolica que beneficie a la parroquia, sirviendo a Cristo a traves de Maria.
Gilda Chavez
Phone: 954-599-5929
Little Houses of Prayer
Be a part of the “New Evangelization”! As a member of a Little House of Prayer, you receive all that you need to participate in living the Gospel, as the Lord instructed us to do. The weekly meetings are invigorating and edifying! Learn about our faith as we discuss the Gospel, related canons of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and much more.
Jim or Lorry Dobies
Phone: 954-213-5723 or 954-213-7198
Liturgical Environment / Committee
Preparing the Church building and grounds for the Liturgical Seasons. Coordinates liturgical celebrations to enhance our relationship with God.
Saint Andrew Parish Office
Phone: 954-752-3950
Men’s Club
Organization of men who gather for fellowship and to serve the parish.
Mr. Jerry Pannell
Phone: 954-752-3950
Ministerio Crecimiento Matrimonial
El proposito del Ministerio es fortalecer a las parejas espiritualmente y ofrecerle herramientas que les sirvan de ayuda en su matrimonio a traves de actividades y dinamicas.Orientar a sus miembros en llevar una vida centralizada en las ensenanzas de Cristo para el sano desarrollo familiar, servir a nuestra Iglesia, aumentar nuestra fe a traves de las Escrituras,aprender y crecer espiritualmente en un ambiente de hermandad, edificacion, amor y apoyo mutuo.
Jose Saavedra & Alexandra Vargas
Jose: 786-633-8210; Alexandra: 385-299-2140
Ministerio Semilla
Grupo que alaba, estudia y eleva la palabra de Dios a todas las personas, profundizando en el conocimiento de nuestra fe.
Mrs. Martha L. Mera
Phone: 954-562-1908
Music Ministry (Adult, Children & Handbell)
Offers a wide variety of choirs for those who wish to serve the Lord through music
Mrs. Mary Lou Taff
Phone: 954-905-6335
Nuestros Hijos
Oran a nuestro Senor para que bendiga a los hijos y a la juventud en general.
Mrs. Maritza Monroe
Phone: 954-394-9192
Parent Support Group
The Parent Support Group at Saint Andrew Church is designed to help parents and caregivers navigate through the challenges of raising children in today’s world. Confidence, a sense of humor, experience and other skills are important ingredients to parenting. Discuss different topics of faith such as keeping faith in the family, helping the child understand the faith and the like. Workshops are being held quarterly by the facilitator providing information.
Mrs. Maureen Johnson
Phone: 954-549-4481
Parish Pantry
Assists those in need with food and other basic human needs
St. Andrew Church – Office
Phone: 954-752-3950
Pastoral Council
Is envisioned as a committee of ministers, ordained and non-ordained, whose major purpose is to give direction to the Parish Community
Mr. Ted Kowalchuk
Phone: 954-895-7696
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Invites Parishioners to become adorers. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is simply our response to Jesus love for us, whereby each of us is willing to spend a quiet holy hour of prayer in His Eucharistic Presence once a week on a regular basis that we may have perpetual (seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day) exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Mrs. Bettina Favata
Phone: 954-654-5614
Praying for Our Children
Come with your family and together we willl pray for our Children, also for our Nephews, Nieces, neighbors, friends, and all our youth.
Mrs. Maritza Monroe
Phone: 954-394-9192
RCIA/Sacramental Preparation for adults
The process of fully initiating adults into the Catholic Religion
Miss Cecilia Sousa (English) / Mrs. Lia Aristazabal (Spanish)
Phone: 954-905-6332 (Cecilia) / 954-905-7597 (Lia)
Religious Education
Educating children not in Catholic school in the Catholic faith and preparing them for First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Mrs. Beatriz Castro
Phone: 954-905-6323
Respect Life
Committed to respect all issues wih respect to the dignity of every person; operates Pro-Life Office
Mrs. Anna Rocco
Phone: 954-752-1054
Rosary for Life
The rosary is prayed every Wednesday at 6:00PM in the Adoration Chapel. They ask the Blessed Mother to intercede before her Divine Son for a greater respect for the sanctity of Human Life, from conception until natural death.
Dr. Rowena Muzquiz
Rosary Group
Pray the Rosary every morning
Mrs. Gail McLellan
Phone: 954-346-7034
Prepares Eucharistic celebration.
Mrs. Marie Campos
Phone: 954-341-5350
Social Events Ministry
Organizes the social events of the parish.
Ms. Linda Castello
Phone: 954-592-8809
Saint Andrew School
Offers 2-year-olds through Grade 8 a sound education, Christian values and attitudes as exhibited throughout prayer and academic life of the school community.
Mrs. Kristen Hughes
Phone: 954-753-1280
St. Vincent de Paul
Parishioners dedicated to the evaluation of the financial needs of those in our community in need of assistance.
Mrs. Dolly Conlin
Phone: 954-905-6316
Tidings of Joy
Deliver birthday gifts to residents of St. Andrew Towers, Margate Health Center, and Park Summit Assisted Living.
Mrs. Crunch Fox
Phone: 954-753-4342
Serves the worshipping community with joy, dependability, kindness, reverence and by being helpful at mass.
Mrs. Marie Campos
Phone: 954-341-5350
Welcome Ministry
Welcomes new parishioners and explains the mission and activities of the parish.
Mrs. Cecilia Sousa (English) and Mr. Jorge Queija (Spanish)
Young Adults (Common Place)
A Catholic group who support the Youth4Christ programs as well as fellowship with one another through socials, Bible studies and other faith building activities.
Youth4Christ (Middle & High School)
Mrs. Donna Gonzalez