Marian Shrines Pilgrimage

Day 1 & 2 – Santerem

Following a full day of travel leaving the United States, we stop at the Shrine of the Holy Miracle in Santerem and celebrated Mass. It was here in 1266 that a consecrated host was stolen. The host bled in a woman’s hand and continued to do so until the next day. The bleeding host was returned to the Church and remains intact today. After adoring the Eucharistic Lord in the miraculous host, we continued onto Fatima.

Day 3 – Fatima

We spent our second day in Fatima visiting the Basilica of the Holy Rosary and Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. At the Chapel of Apparitions, we joined the local community for the celebration of Mass. Later, we went onto to visit the birthplaces of the three young visionaries Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia as well as the Loca de Anjo and Holy Way.


Day 4 – Fatima / Avila

After the celebration of Mass at the Shrine of Fatima we left Fatima and made our way to Avila, Spain. Avila is the birthplace and hometown of St. Theresa, who was a great author, mystic, reformer, and doctor of the Church. Our day concluded with a visit to the Cathedral Museum.